Bliss happens in the shift from I to we

He greets every student at Yoga Space.

He greets every student at Yoga Space.

Last Saturday was  week #10 (of 15)  of yoga teacher training.  I had an epiphany in the middle of our Vinyasa class: I was going to be a yoga teacher. While this seems obvious, the idea of teaching never seemed real until that moment.

What was the pivotal moment? Kathryn assigned us the following homework: create a short Vinyasa sequence – one asana from each of the asana families. In week #11,  we’ll break into small groups and teach. No cue cards – only one piece of paper with the asana sequence.

We have to open with Surya Namaskar  (sun salutation) A and B.  I think I’ve got A down but need work on B. I know that Warrior II and Half Moon will be in my sequence. I love the fierceness and standing strength built through Warrior II and the freedom and challenge of a balancing asana such as Half Moon.

Warrior II credit: CorePower Yoga

Warrior II credit: CorePower Yoga

Half Moon Pose credit: Yoga Life Journey

Half Moon Pose credit: Yoga Life Journey

The remaining asanas need to be filled in. Then I need to practice them by myself, talking out loud, to see what works. Maybe I will need to change the order? How do I get students from one pose to the next? What cues should I give to move in and out of a pose?

How do I feel? Excited! I began this path to learn how to heal my body through yoga. Now it would be my privilege to practice with others so they can find what they need. The shift from “I” to “we” feels awesome.

I’m also nervous because  this homework is poses, sequencing, flow and all the pieces must fit. It’s also about the teaching. In yoga class, a teacher’s cues create a lively and lovely practice that moves students safely in and out of the asanas.

It seems strange for me to be so nervous considering I’ve taught thousands of college students over the past 12 years. But this isn’t writing, media relations or corporate public relations. It’s yoga. I’m SO out of my element and it’s scary. But it’s also fun and the best personal growth happens from  challenge.

magic happens

Come back next week for the follow-up!

Namaste (which means the teacher in me bows to the teacher in you)

About Kalene

yoga practitioner and teacher; crossword puzzle fan; mom, sister, aunt, friend, professor and believer in karma
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3 Responses to Bliss happens in the shift from I to we

  1. LB says:

    You Go Girl!


  2. Jan Wilberg says:

    I really really need to get into yoga because I am stiff as a board but always find a reason not to. Then your blog popped up. Maybe this is a sign. 🙂


    • Kalene says:

      Hi Jan – Just meet your body wherever it is. You don’t need to be flexible to do yoga. You just need to accept your body where it is. Sometimes I find Carefree on my mat!


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